Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Anesthesia and Restraint of Raccoons and Relatives (Carnivora, Procyonidae)

Anesthesia and Restraint of Raccoons and Relatives (Carnivora, Procyonidae):

"Manual Restraint

"One should never underestimate the ability of even the smallest members of the Procyonidae to resist manual restraint and inflict serious bodily injury.
As a result, manual restraint can not be adequately and safely employed for procedures such as blood sampling, ear tagging, and physical examination.
Rather, it should be reserved only for injection of medications and chemical restraint agents and if you are skilled and experienced enough, quick trap removals or cage relocations.
Protective gloves should be worn during attempts at manual restraint.
As added protection a butcher's chain-mail glove may be used as an insert in a welder's or monkey handling glove.

However, it should always be remembered that gloves decrease tactile sensitivity and may encourage an excessive pressure to be applied to maintain grip on the animal [12].

NEVER try to restrain any Procyonidae by picking them up by the scruff-of-the-neck.
The Procyon, Bassaricyon and Bassariscus generally have enough 'extra' skin to twist almost completely around, while Nasau and Potos flavus have insufficient skin to allow a good 'purchase'.

Bassaricyon, Bassariscus and Potos flavus may be captured with gloved hands by quickly and firmly grasping around the dorsolateral cervical area immediately caudal to the skull with one hand (avoid compressing the jugular groove and/or trachea), while restraining the legs and tail with the other hand.
An assistant is now able to give an injection in one of the extended rear legs. In the Nasau and Procyon, such restraint attempts are a daunting and dangerous under-taking because of their 'Houdini-like' ability to very aggressively resist restraint.

With lightening speed and agility they flex their limbs to the body, hunch up their necks and proceed to roll side-to-side and front to back into a ball, while emitting blood-curdling snorts, growls and screams and biting at anything within reach.
At this point the uninitiated handler usually drops his charge and bleeding profusely tries to escape, but frequently finds the animal had made a bee-line toward them in the hopes of gaining "the high ground" by climbing up their legs - old habits of climbing trees in defense die hard.
12. Fowler ME. Carnivora. In: Restraint and Handling of Wild and Domestic Animals. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1978; 201-213. "

and you still want to be a vet or zoo keeper?
I was just googling the words - snapping potos - for photos.
vetinary surgeon

oops! and a quick spell check,
Google Search: veterinary surgeon


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