Thursday, December 23, 2004


Google Search: heidekraut

seen onARD TV
Google Search: heidekrautbahn

the Heather Railway

Heidekrautbahn, Abschnitt Basdorf - Gross Schoenebeck


Haltepunkt Lotschesee,

all very green and overgrown
with semaphore signals Andere

Frohliche Weihnachten

Thursday, December 09, 2004

December 2004 newsletter - Oxford English Dictionary

December 2004 newsletter - Oxford English Dictionary

The December issue of OED News is now
available in both text and pdf format.

In this issue Beverley Hunt reflects on her first year as OED Archivist.
Abigail Reynolds, the OED's Artist in Residence, describes how her time
working alongside lexicographers influenced her work 'The Frozen Sea'.

We also include a list of Appeals for help with particular words: do you
remember reading about a quad bike before 1989? Or a tikka masala before
1975? If you can help with any of the words listed, please e-mail

OED News is published quarterly, and contains articles by editors,
researchers, and contributors on their work for the OED, and regular updates
on the progress of the £40 million / US$70 million revision programme. We
will let you know by e-mail as soon as each issue is published, to keep you
informed about the latest news and developments on the OED.

If you do not already subscribe to the Oxford English Dictionary Online, you
may be interested to know that you can now sign up for a personal
subscription online at

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Turning the Pages

Turning the Pages

Discover the British Library's award-winning system Turning the Pages. Just click on the links, wait a few moments, then turn the pages of our great books.