Friday, September 02, 2005

XHTML2: Accessible, Usable, Device Independent and Semantic

XHTML2: Accessible, Usable, Device Independent and Semantic: "XHTML2 is the next version of the XHTML family, and is going to last call Real Soon Now. This presentation gives an overview of what XHTML2 is trying to achieve"

A List Apart: Articles: When You Are Your Own Client, Who Are You Going To Make Fun Of At The Bar?

A List Apart: Articles: When You Are Your Own Client, Who Are You Going To Make Fun Of At The Bar?: "So there's this table with three chairs around it. It's a very old table. These same people have been sitting here forever. The guy who created a product sits in one spot. Across from him is the guy who buys the product. And then there's that other chair.

We've sat there frequently. Basically, the first guy pays us to find the second guy and convince him to buy what the first guy is selling. It's a pretty important function, maybe the most important. Without it, there's just one guy sitting at a table and nothing happens."

But the price of being creative is having no money